Saturday, July 21, 2012

Movin' on over....

I figure that, since I practically never post on LJ anymore, I might as well start a fresh blog for the things that I've been thinking of posting.  Start fresh, so to speak.  Don't know what all I'll put here, but I figure it will be a bit of this and a bit of that.  Might keep the bitchy, snarky stuff on LJ though.  I do want to post my experiments with being more homestead-y here and, maybe, some of my "Heathen related" stuff.  Although, considering that being Heathen is part of who I am and how I live my life, just about anything I post could be considered to be Heathen related.  Meh, whatever.  Guess I'll just see what happens and delete the whole shit-n-kaboodle if I don't like it.
Until we go.

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